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We Are Located In
Kingston, Ontario

To end the suffering of animals with rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and education.

Sun, 08/30/2015 - 18:52 -- Alison
Karma yoga
Sunday, September 27, 2015
9:00am to 12:00pm
The Tett, Malting Tower
370 King Street West

kar·ma  yo·ga: From the Sanskrit word meaning “to do”, Karma Yoga is action in union; a way of acting, thinking and willing in selfless service. Through KARma, our supporters will come together and give of themselves to better the lives of animals in need through this special event. See the KARma page for full details

9 am - Registration
10 am - Yoga class #1: 45 minutes – led by Jo-Anne Hopkins
11 am - Yoga class #2: 60 minutes – led by Mona Warner