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We Are Located In
Kingston, Ontario

To end the suffering of animals with rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and education.

  • A musician plays while a group dines at The Forever Gala.

    Celebrate a magical, unforgettable night out for the animals at The Forever Gala on May 3, 2024. Red-carpet welcome, delicious vegan dining by Knifey Spooney, live and silent auctions, live music, and much more. Tickets on sale now. Learn more.

Animals Rescued to Date

What's New

Pandemic pets lead to “pet regret” and significant domestic rabbit overpopulation. Kingston Animal Rescue under intense strain as pet rabbit surrender requests soar
Dylan was a stray with crusty and cloudy eyes. His coat was dull and scabbed, and he had a concerning upper respiratory infection.
Sometimes, we get cases with such diverse complexities that it seems impossible to overcome, but it is instances like these that remind us why it's worth investing in...

Upcoming Events

6:00pm to 11:30pm
10:30am to 11:59pm